2020 China Auto Parts Distribution Industry Industrial Internet Development Research Report Released
 May 29, 2020|View:683

The integration of China's auto parts distribution industry and the Internet is accelerating.

On March 26, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Automobile and Motorcycle Parts Association and Xi Zhongyun jointly held the "2020 China Internet Summit Forum for the Automobile Distribution Industry". At this forum, Chen Hongxia, general manager of Xi Zhongyun platform, released the "2020 Industrial Internet Development Research Report for China's Auto Parts Distribution Industry" on behalf of the two.

This newly released report reviews the development of China's auto parts distribution industry in 2019 and the innovative model in the industrial Internet field, and looks forward to the future development prospects of the auto parts distribution industry and the trend of further integration and development with its industrial Internet. It is understood that following March 2019, the two jointly released industry reports.

1. The scale growth rate of China's auto parts distribution industry has slowed down, but there is still room for growth in the long run.

With the slowdown in the growth of car ownership in 2017-2019, the growth rate of the Chinese auto parts market has slowed down, but in the long run, there is still much room for development in the post-automotive market. Roland Berger believes that used cars Influenced by factors such as transaction size, vehicle age, and emission standards, the market size of auto parts after 2022 is still expected to exceed 800 billion yuan.

2. Affected by the epidemic and other factors, China's auto parts distribution industry has accelerated into the era of industrial Internet.

According to the report, the auto parts B2B e-commerce trading platform will be the main mode of Internet development in the auto parts distribution industry. The report cites research data from Deloitte, an internationally renowned company, to estimate that the e-commerce penetration rate in China's automotive aftermarket will reach 17% by 2025, when the scale of e-commerce in the automotive aftermarket will exceed 360 billion yuan.

The report analyzes that the auto parts distribution industry has become an important scenario for industrial Internet applications. As a result, there are more and more entrepreneurs with the concept of industrial Internet in the field of auto parts distribution. Xinkangzhong, JD.com, Ping An Auto Parts, and Xi Zhongyun have been born one after another, especially the emergence of the Xi Zhongyun platform is refreshing. According to reports, in this process, more innovative companies will enter the industrial Internet. The report analyzes and believes that in the short and medium term, there will be no oligopolistic monopoly, and there are many opportunities for "segment market integration".

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